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UBP dans la presse 28.06.2018

Point sur la compétitivité suisse

All News (18.06.2018) - Selon Eleanor Taylor Jolidon, Coresponsable de la gestion Actions suisses et globales à l’Union Bancaire Privée (UBP), les chiffres macroéconomiques suisses n’ont que peu d’incidence sur le résultat des sociétés helvétiques, dont 90% du chiffre d’affaires est exposé à l’étranger.

Expertise 26.06.2018

Navigating Quantitative Tightening in the Eurozone

Spotlight - US Quantitative Tightening: A road map for the ECB.

Communiqués de presse 25.06.2018

L'UBP se renforce sur le marché des clients US

L’Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA (l’«UBP») annonce avoir nommé Deepak Soni en qualité de CEO de sa filiale UBP Investment Advisors SA («UBP IAS») le 1er juin 2018.

UBP dans la presse 22.06.2018

Eric Morin reveals the bank's fierce ambition to thrive in Asia

Asian banking & finance (14.06.2018) - In this exclusive interview with Asian Banking & Finance, Eric discusses the bank's growth targets, its competition and biggest challenges, and what makes it different compared to local Asian private banks.

Expertise 20.06.2018

A fresh look at global fixed income opportunities

On 26 June, the first edition of our Investment Insight Summit in Zurich addressed pressing topics within the asset management industry. In her keynote speech, Christel Rendu de Lint talked about global fixed income opportunities and strategies.

Expertise 20.06.2018

Managing political risk in EM

There are around 80 countries in which we can invest, so we may have to contend with up to 20 elections a year. This does not call for being either cautious or bullish, but for being politically aware and having a process for assessing political risk. In our case this means understanding the economic impact of different outcomes, working out which ones have been priced in, and monitoring opinion polls.

UBP dans la presse 19.06.2018

L'UBP renforce son empreinte à Zurich

NZZ am Sonntag (17.06.18) - Interview par Daniel Hug et Albert Steck.

L’Union Bancaire Privée a doublé ses avoirs sous gestion à Zurich en l’espace de cinq ans. Son CEO, Guy de Picciotto, souhaite avoir un libre accès au marché de l’UE, auquel il ne peut aujourd’hui accéder qu’indirectement.

Expertise 14.06.2018

Initial Thoughts on Trump-Kim Summit

Tame market response to the summit is accurately priced, in our view, with still low expectations of a real breakthrough in the near term to trade the ‘peace dividend’ or ‘economic reconstruction’ themes.

UBP dans la presse 03.08.2020

Une nouvelle ère propice aux hedge funds

Le Temps (03.08.2020) - Sur la décennie écoulée, les hedge funds, pénalisés par la faiblesse persistante des taux d’intérêt et l’effacement de la volatilité, ont peiné à offrir des rendements satisfaisants.

Expertise 31.07.2020

Gold/Silver: the early stages of a long-term bull market

Spotlight - Despite the impressive 30% rally for gold and 70% rally in silver from the March lows, the precious metals are likely still in the early stages of a long-cycle bull market.

Expertise 29.07.2020

Podcast - The beginning of the USD bear market

Our Global Head of Forex Strategy, Peter Kinsella, shares his outlook for the US dollar for the months ahead.

Expertise 28.07.2020

Webinar – The strategic case for gold

On Friday 24 July 2020, UBP's experts Norman Villamin and Peter Kinsella hosted a webinar with John Reade, Chief Market Strategist at the World Gold Council, to discuss the constructive environment for gold.

UBP dans la presse 24.07.2020

The Covid-19 shock: has your family office proven to be resilient?

Arabian Business (12.07.2020) - As we slowly come to terms with the initial effects of the Covid-19 crisis, it is time to see what wealthy families and single-family offices in the Middle East can learn from it.