1. Newsroom


Expertise 18.12.2019

No one has won the Trade War... Yet

Spotlight - It is too early for either China or the United States to claim victory following the ‘Phase 1’ agreement announced last week.

Expertise 02.12.2019

Exploring what lurks under the surface in credit

Spotlight - The emergence of economic ‘green shoots’ suggests the US ‘mini-cycle’ slowdown is nearing its end. However, investors should recall that the previous mini-cycles in the post-crisis period have each involved a credit event.

Expertise 21.11.2019

UBP Investment Outlook 2020

L’économie globale à la croisée des chemins

Expertise 20.11.2019

Navigating cross-currents in global equities

Spotlight - Though investor anxiety given the strong rally YTD in global equities is understandable, historically, strong January-October returns have been followed by gains averaging 4.8% in November-December.

Expertise 08.11.2019

Hong Kong: Market Valuation Amid Local Recession

Last week’s release of the third quarter 2019 (3Q19) GDP confirmed the combined shock to Hong Kong’s economy induced by the protracted domestic protests and lingering Sino-US trade war uncertainty.

Expertise 04.11.2019

A view on the Lebanese investment landscape

Podcast - In terms of social dynamics, politics, and economics, the situation in Lebanon is worsening.

Expertise 24.10.2019

Convertible bonds add convexity to your portfolio

Amid volatile markets and concerns over the global economic outlook, how can investors mitigate the risk of capital loss while keeping the door open to capital gains? The answer lies in convertible bonds strategies, given the specific risk-return profile of this asset class.

Expertise 22.10.2019

China's Economy: Growth and Policy Effect

The Chinese economy, in its current stage, is fine with steady growth deceleration. This is despite protracted external headwind arising from the on-going trade war which has continued to curb investment appetite and spurred financial market volatility.

Expertise 18.10.2019

China-US Trade Deal: Positive in the Near Term

On October 11, China and the US have agreed to work towards a partial trade deal. US President Donald Trump called it ‘Phase One’, with subsequent phases to deal with broader and fundamental issues.

Expertise 16.10.2019

Demographics: a broad and long- term opportunity set

Secular trends encompass thematic opportunities with the potential to have a material effect on the world and financial landscapes with long-term and lasting effects.

Expertise 10.10.2019

Brexit: from backstop to no deal?

Podcast - Last week, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson sent the EU the UK government’s alternative proposals to replace the Irish border backstop clause in the EU–UK withdrawal agreement.

Expertise 04.10.2019

China-US Trade War: A Quiver Full of Arrows

The market’s expectations of a mini-trade deal between the Unites States (US) and China in October was spoiled by the spectre of US President Donald Trump’s financial warfare on China.

Expertise 30.09.2019

Central banks deliver for now

Government bond yields have rallied significantly this year in anticipation of monetary easing from major central banks, including the ECB and Fed who both delivered this past month.

Expertise 27.09.2019

The dawn of the data era

The amount of data we process today is only the tip of the iceberg.

Expertise 25.09.2019

Implications of India's Bold Tax Cuts

Now that India’s surprise tax cut has hit the news, is this fiscal stimulus for real?

Expertise 23.09.2019

Gold : risks for small downside correction

Gold prices have stabilised around USD 1,500 per ounce, following the US Federal Reserve's decision to cut interest rates by 0.25%, bringing its key rate to 2.00%.