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Pressemitteilungen 22.07.2016

UBP steigert Reingewinn um 13 Prozent auf 90 Millionen CHF

Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA (UBP) kündigt per Ende Juni 2016 einen Reingewinn von 90 Millionen CHF an; das entspricht einer Steigerung von 13 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahresergebnis von 79,5 Millionen CHF.


Analysen 15.07.2016

The Brexit Lessons For ASEAN (Asia’s EU)

Since its incorporation in 1967, the Association of Southeast Asian Nation (ASEAN) has implemented a mandate that not only aims to accelerate economic and social progress alongside member countries, but simultaneously promote peace and security. Coupled with a similar population size and tenet that overlaps the European Union (EU), ASEAN was naturally subjected to comparisons with its western counterpart.

UBP in der Presse 11.07.2016

Is the Brexit an opportunity or a challenge for Switzerland?

It is very difficult to say with any certainty what collateral damage Brexit will cause. The result of the 23 June referendum not only marks the start of a new kind of political crisis, but more importantly represents an epoch-making change and the start of a new phase of European history.

UBP in der Presse 07.07.2016

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UBP in der Presse 30.06.2016

Portfolios welcome back hedge funds

Mediocre performances, high fees, a lack of transparency: hedge funds are regularly maligned and simplistically cast in a grim light by their detractors. However, this view is a complete contradiction of the growing upswing in interest that has been seen by observers not only in the United States, where it has remained relatively high in recent years, but also, more recently, in Europe and in Asia, where only Japan is still the exception.

Analysen 27.06.2016

Brexit’s Implication For Asian Equities

The Brexit decision came as a surprise as the sterling appreciated and European equities rose prior to the referendum, leading to a precipitous selloff following the ‘out’ vote. Near term uncertainty, particularly the legality for the United Kingdom to formally depart from the European Union and any subsequent countries that could also vote for its own referendum, leads to market anxiety.

Analysen 24.06.2016

Impact of the Brexit

The results of the referendum in the UK will have consequences for the British, European and global economies. Read this article to find out about the Bank’s main expectations regarding the macroeconomic and asset allocation impact of Brexit.

UBP in der Presse 16.06.2016

Brexit fears impact global markets

Global markets tumbled early this week amid uncertainty related to Britain’s EU referendum scheduled for June 23rd.

UBP in der Presse 03.06.2016

Grösse macht attraktiv

Der Chef der Union Bancaire Privée sagt, welche Banker er in Asien sucht, warum er in Europa neue Filialen eröffnet und weshalb Latinos Geld aus der Schweiz abziehen. Handelszeitung

UBP in der Presse 30.05.2016

«Mittelmässige Fonds sind eine Falle»

NZZ.ch / Warum die besten Anlagefonds immer öfter alles neue Kapital anziehen und der Trend zu tieferen Gebühren weitergeht, erklärt Nicolas Faller, Co-Chef Asset-Management der Privatbank UBP.

Analysen 24.05.2016

Summer Time Across Emerging Asia Markets

Mixed cocktails are seasonally appropriate for the summer months, however mixed signals in equity markets are less welcomed.

Corporate 17.05.2016

UBP awarded Best Private Bank in MENA region

UBP has been recognised as the Best Private Bank in the MENA region at the Banker Middle East Industry Awards 2016.

UBP in der Presse 12.05.2016

Exit Euro Aggregate Markets

Euro aggregate markets are running out of steam. The balance of risk and reward has shifted to the downside as euro yields have been plummeting for both EUR sovereign debt and EUR investment grade credit on the back of the ECB policy actions.