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UBP in der Presse 18.10.2018

Tech sector driven by innovation

Sphere (10.2018) - Since the 2008-09 global financial crisis, the global technology sector has delivered an impressive annual return of 15.4%, easily outpacing global equities as a whole (10.2%).

UBP in der Presse 28.09.2018

AI will benefit Swiss banks

Bilan (25.09.2018) - “If I had to bet on which would be the leading professions in the years to come, Swiss bankers would be on the list!” This prediction by Laurent Alexandre, the founder of the Doctissimo.fr website, may come as a surprise to some.

UBP in der Presse 26.09.2018

Asset TV Fund Selector: Fixed Income

What does the end of quantitative easing mean for bond investors? What should be the right exposure to emerging bond markets and why are active managers better equipped than passive ones to handle the return of volatility? Mohammed Kazmi, Portfolio Manager & Macro-Strategist Global and Absolute Return Fixed Income at UBP, recently participated in an Asset TV broadcast outlining the risk and reward trade-offs in fixed-income markets over the next six to twelve months.

UBP in der Presse 13.09.2018

Asset TV Masterclass: Fixed Income

Considering the rising-rate environment we find ourselves in, what sort of role does fixed income play in a portfolio, and what can be done to protect investors from declining liquidity? Mohammed Kazmi, Portfolio Manager & Macro-Strategist Global and Absolute Return Fixed Income at UBP, recently participated in an Asset TV Masterclass, a broadcast outlining the current challenges and opportunities in the biggest asset classes.

UBP in der Presse 05.09.2018

The role of the luxury sector in fixing the fashion footprint

Le Temps (20.08.2018) - The fashion industry has a disturbingly large ecological footprint.

UBP in der Presse 03.09.2018

What prolonged illiquidity means for credit markets

Investment Europe - Plenty has been written about quantitative tightening and its effect on duration and yield curves. Less has been said about what a more hawkish monetary policy will mean for credit market liquidity, a dynamic which could have profound effects.

UBP in der Presse 20.08.2018

10 Jahre danach – die Lehren aus der Krise

Le Temps (20.08.2018) - Im Spätsommer jährt sich der spektakulärste Bankrott aller Zeiten zum zehnten Mal.

UBP in der Presse 25.07.2018

Wandelanleihen wecken Interesse der Anleger

Finanz und Wirtschaft (18.07.2018) - With the entry into an advanced phase of the economic cycle, companies have been looking at convertible bonds with fresh eyes as a valid alternative to traditional debt instruments to finance their growth.

UBP in der Presse 16.07.2018

Eric Morin covers a lot of ground in his role

South China Morning Post (14.07.2018) - It may not feature on his CV or official job description, but one of Eric Morin’s key skills is the ability to perform an astute balancing act. Doing that, though, has become second nature to him thanks to more than 30 years in finance and wealth management and a knack for managing change, planning adjustments, and taking a studied approach to every new initiative.

UBP in der Presse 13.07.2018

Markets: overlay strategies are up to today’s challenges

L'Agefi (12.07.2018) - Equity markets still offer attractive investment opportunities, but since the beginning of the year they have seen increased volatility. In these conditions, overlay strategies can be an interesting solution for investors.

UBP in der Presse 03.07.2018

Allrounder für alle Marktlagen

Cash (06.2018) - Das Gespräch führte Katharina Lamster - Was sollten Anleger wissen, bevor sie eine Wandelanleihe kaufen? Über die Chancen und Risiken der Anlageklasse hat Cash mit Nicolas Delrue gesprochen.

UBP in der Presse 02.07.2018

Chinesische Aktien haben sich einen Platz in langfristigen Portfolios erobert

Le Temps (01.07.2018) - Das Ereignis hätte unbedeutend erscheinen können. Wenn es nicht ein weiterer Beweis für die langfristige Attraktivität chinesischer Aktien gewesen wäre – trotz der Turbulenzen im Zusammenhang mit dem drohenden Handelskrieg zwischen Washington und Peking.

UBP in der Presse 28.06.2018

Spotlight on Swiss competitiveness

All News (18.06.2018) - According to Eleanor Taylor Jolidon, Co-Head Swiss & Global Equity Portfolio Management at Union Bancaire Privée (UBP), Swiss macroeconomic numbers only have a passing effect on Swiss companies’ results, as 90% of their revenues are foreign-exposed.

UBP in der Presse 22.06.2018

Eric Morin reveals the bank's fierce ambition to thrive in Asia

Asian banking & finance (14.06.2018) - In this exclusive interview with Asian Banking & Finance, Eric discusses the bank's growth targets, its competition and biggest challenges, and what makes it different compared to local Asian private banks.

UBP in der Presse 19.06.2018

Genfer Privatbank UBP expandiert in Zürich

NZZ am Sonntag (17.06.18) - Von Daniel Hug und Albert Steck.

Die Union Bancaire Privée hat die verwalteten Vermögen in Zürich in fünf Jahren verdoppelt. Patron Guy de Picciotto fordert freien Zugang zum EU-Markt, den er heute nur über Umwege bearbeiten kann.

UBP in der Presse 12.06.2018

UBP's takeover of Banque Carnegie

The Luxembourg Times (05.06.18) spoke to Michel Longhini, CEO of private banking at UBP, about the acquisition, the strategy in Luxembourg and the potential for more takeovers.