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UBP in der Presse 20.02.2019

Convertibles’ options continue to be the main attraction of the asset class

Funds Magazine (02.2019) - “Generally, European convertibles have become highly defensive. The risks in investing in this asset class are therefore limited, as economic growth is still relatively solid and the outlook is decent for companies.”

UBP in der Presse 19.02.2019

Das Szenario einer sanften Landung wird glaubwürdiger

Le Temps (18.02.2019) - Dem chinesischen Volksglauben zufolge dürfte das soeben begonnene Jahr – das im Tierkreiszeichen des Schweins steht – für den Finanzsektor erfreulich ausfallen, steht dieses Tier doch für Wohlstand.

UBP in der Presse 29.01.2019

Actively managed short positions: a hedging strategy

L'Agefi Indices  (28.01.2019) - Current market conditions could prompt investors to adopt methods to protect their equity portfolios.

UBP in der Presse 28.01.2019

Politik wird Gold weiter stützen

Finanz und Wirtschaft (26.01.2019) - Jüngst fand der Goldpreis in der Nachfrage nach einem sicheren Hafen Unterstützung. Als Treiber wirkten der ungelöste Handelskonflikt der USA mit China und seine negativen Folgen für das globale Wachstum, die hohe Aktienmarktvolatilität, die politische Ungewissheit, die mit dem Brexit und den Unruhen in Frankreich einhergeht, und der teilweise Shutdown in den USA.

UBP in der Presse 25.01.2019

New license in Taïwan

Union Bancaire Privée (UBP) has established a new asset management unit in Taiwan, UBP Asset Management Taiwan Ltd (UBP Taiwan), having secured a Securities Investment Consulting Enterprises (SICE) business License, with the ability to serve as a Master Agent, from the Financial Supervisory Commission R.O.C (Taiwan) at the end of 2018.

UBP in der Presse 23.01.2019

The comeback of the emerging currencies

Le Temps (21.01.2019) - We anticipate a challenging environment for the US dollar for a number of reasons: GDP growth is more constrained (the IMF expects the US to slow from 2.9% in 2018 to 2.5% in 2019), the Fed’s rate-hiking cycle is at a late stage, and US dollar valuations are stretched with the real effective measure 14% above its 10-year average.

UBP in der Presse 07.01.2019

UBP bets on Hong Kong hub to open up Asia

PMW (17.12.2018) - Many European banks have struggled to make headway in Asia but Mike Blake, who runs UBP’s operations in the region, is in expansionary mood.

UBP in der Presse 20.12.2018

Managing Risks in a Fragmented Global Economy

Agefi (18.12.2018) - Entering 2018 investors brimmed with enthusiasm as global synchronised growth continued like in 2017, confirming that the world was finally moving on after the crisis.

UBP in der Presse 12.12.2018

Innovation creates opportunities in healthcare

Bilan (13.12.2018) - The secular trends in healthcare – ageing populations, emerging market demand, and expanding basic health insurance – remain well entrenched. However, investors should shift their focus towards differentiated innovators in the healthcare space via mid-sized biotech and medical technology (like Swiss companies Lonza and Galapagos, for example), and healthcare-focused IT companies (such as Teleadoc).

UBP in der Presse 03.12.2018

Union Bancaire Privée – eine Bank ganz in Familienhand

The Straits Times (25.11.2018) - Der CEO will die UBP zu einer der grössten Banken in Familienbesitz machen.

UBP in der Presse 27.11.2018

A new era begins for investing wealth

Forbes Middle East (22.11.2018) - Tougher regulations, tax declarations and transparency trends are significantly reshaping the private banking industry, and the Middle East is no exception to this.

UBP in der Presse 21.11.2018

The Way into AI

Wealth Arabia (08.11.2018) - Philippe Henry, Global Head of Cross Asset Solutions, Union Bancaire Privée (UBP) tells WEALTH Arabia that the best way for investors to tap artificial intelligence is through data.

UBP in der Presse 07.11.2018

Asset TV Fund Selector: ESG & Impact Investing

Once considered a niche investment activity, sustainable investing is increasingly moving into the mainstream across all asset classes.

UBP in der Presse 05.11.2018

Commodities outlook in a volatile market environment

Agefi Indices (23.10.2018) - With the exception of oil, the commodity complex as a whole has been struggling since the beginning of the year on concerns about the escalation of the US–China trade war and a stronger US dollar.

UBP in der Presse 02.11.2018

European small and mid-caps: lower valuations, attractive prospects

Agefi (29.10.2018) - Investors have been increasingly risk-averse since the start of 2018. However, there are still many opportunities in the small & mid-cap segment, where expected earnings growth remains attractive.

UBP in der Presse 26.10.2018

Investing in companies tackling worldwide issues

Bilan (15.10.2018) - The need today for real solutions to worldwide threats like climate change and pollution is everyone's concern.