1. Newsroom


Analysen 21.12.2020

China: Don’t fret over an increase in corporate bond defaults

Bond defaults were not part of the debate for much of 2020. However, these have picked up steam in Q4-20, resulting in a record level of USD 21.8 billion YTD, far exceeding the previous high of 2018.

Analysen 17.12.2020

UBP Investment Outlook 2021

Schöne neue Welt

Analysen 26.11.2020

Europäische Small Caps - aufstrebende Börsenstars

Kleinere Firmen bieten spannende Wachstumschancen

Analysen 24.11.2020

Perlen im SMID-Cap-Segment in Europa und der Schweiz

Unternehmen kleiner und mittlerer Kapitalisierung verzeichnen oftmals höhere Wachstumsraten und Renditen als Grosskonzerne. Es ist einfacher, ein kräftiges Wachstum von einer kleineren Basis aus zu generieren. Die sogenannten SMID Caps bieten Anlegern eine Positionierung in langfristigen Wachstumstrends.

Analysen 23.10.2020

Podcast - No election rally for the dollar

Our Global Head of Forex Strategy, Peter Kinsella, shares his thoughts on the forthcoming US presidential election.

Analysen 15.10.2020

The draw of the booming fintech sector

Martin Moeller, Portfolio Manager of our newly launched strategy, shares his view on why global fintech equities are an interesting investment right now.

Analysen 05.10.2020

Webinar – Opportunities in the Gold Mining Sector

On Thursday 1 October 2020, UBP's experts Norman Villamin and Peter Kinsella hosted a webinar with Evy Hambro, Global Head of Thematic and Sector Investing at Blackrock, to discuss what gold investors can expect in the quarters ahead.

Analysen 01.10.2020

Investing amidst a new Fed policy regime

Spotlight - September saw the end of the US Federal Reserve’s inflation containment policy regime in place since the 1970s. 

Analysen 04.09.2020

Forex Focus: Silver Forecast

In recent weeks, silver has experienced huge price swings, moving from levels of around $19 to $29 per ounce.

Analysen 31.07.2020

Gold/Silver: the early stages of a long-term bull market

Spotlight - Despite the impressive 30% rally for gold and 70% rally in silver from the March lows, the precious metals are likely still in the early stages of a long-cycle bull market.

Analysen 29.07.2020

Podcast - The beginning of the USD bear market

Our Global Head of Forex Strategy, Peter Kinsella, shares his outlook for the US dollar for the months ahead.

Analysen 28.07.2020

Webinar – The strategic case for gold

On Friday 24 July 2020, UBP's experts Norman Villamin and Peter Kinsella hosted a webinar with John Reade, Chief Market Strategist at the World Gold Council, to discuss the constructive environment for gold.

Analysen 21.07.2020

Does improving governance in Japan matter?

The launch of the Corporate Governance Code in 2015 could be a real, long-term game changer for Japan, as historically poor corporate governance has been considered a key reason for local companies’ low ROE and global investors’ underweights.

Analysen 20.07.2020

The ins and outs of impact investing

Simon Pickard, Chairman of UBP’s Impact Investment Committee, and Kanini Mutooni, a member of UBP’s Impact Advisory Board, discuss impact investing, how COVID-19 has affected it and how it will evolve in the future.

Analysen 13.07.2020

Swiss Equities – Structural value creation

The resilience of the Swiss economy has once again been proved during the COVID-19 pandemic and is reflected by the Swiss equity market’s year-to-date outperformance.

Analysen 06.07.2020

US-Präsident-schaftswahl Rückt in den Fokus

Spotlight - Die Zustimmungswerte von US-Präsident Trump sind auf den tiefsten Stand seit Beginn der Umfragen zur Präsidentschaftswahl 2020 gefallen, sodass ein Wechsel im Weissen Haus wahrscheinlicher geworden ist.