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UBP in der Presse 28.04.2017

Navigating a Trump Presidency

CPI Financial - Now that the initial shock and surprise around the election of President Donald Trump has begun to fade it makes good sense to begin to focus more closely on the policy agenda of his administration and how this might influence international markets.

UBP in der Presse 27.04.2017

Opportunities in private debt and meeting the liquidity challenge

Le Temps - The financing of privately owned companies – as opposed to those listed on stock markets – gives rise to many opportunities for investors. In particular, yields can be attractive at a time of negative or zero interest rates

UBP in der Presse 10.04.2017

Your doorway to hard-to-reach investment opportunities

Wealth in Asia - Chief Executive Officer in Asia Michael Blake reveals how this family-owned private bank can help you access products that are otherwise reserved for institutional investors.

UBP in der Presse 04.04.2017

Emerging markets’ exposure to US in the face of protectionism

The impact of a strong dollar on emerging countries’ equity markets has had more than its fair share of comment since the US presidential election, and not without good reason. But looking beyond the financial transmission channel, what about direct business relationships?

UBP in der Presse 23.03.2017

The “rational exuberance” of the markets

Le Temps - On 5th December 1996, Alan Greenspan introduced the notion of “irrational exuberance” for the first time in a famous speech that shook the markets.

UBP in der Presse 22.03.2017

UBP Brings Institutional Investing to Asia’s Wealthy

Baron's Asia - UBP’s Michael Blake says new fixed income fund offers access previously out of reach of private clients.

UBP in der Presse 27.02.2017

Is the market rally being driven by political or economic factors?

The Swiss equity market shrugged off all the political upheaval in 2016, and will be supported by a positive economic environment in 2017.

UBP in der Presse 13.02.2017

Wealth planning on the rise

L'AGEFI. UBP has tripled its wealth planning headcount in five years. We spoke with Bertrand Binggeli, the department's co-head, whose focus is on after-tax returns.

UBP in der Presse 07.02.2017

Automatischer Informationsaustausch: Steht die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit auf dem Spiel?

Le Temps - Die Umsetzung des AIA hatte in erster Linie zwei Konsequenzen: Erstens stiegen die Kosten an und zweitens musste die Praxis so geändert werden, dass dem Datenaustausch und der Verantwortung der Banken bei der Feststellung des Steuerdomizils ihrer Kunden Rechnung getragen wird.

UBP in der Presse 27.01.2017

“UBP will not pull out of London because of Brexit”

Le Temps - The bank, owned by the de Picciotto family, remains confident about the US economy, but is concerned that a weaker British financial centre will hurt Europe as much as the UK. Interview with the CEO following UBP's results announcement on Tuesday.

UBP in der Presse 16.01.2017

Die Akteure der Neuausrichtung des chinesischen Wirtschaftsmodells

Die Neuausrichtung des chinesischen Wirtschaftsmodells scheint – abgesehen von den Beschlüssen der grossen Zentralbanken – das derzeit am häufigsten kommentierte makroökonomische Phänomen zu sein.

UBP in der Presse 28.12.2016

Will emerging markets be the new leader?

L'AGEFI - As we get closer to the end of 2016 it may indeed be a good time to review 2017 earnings expectations for emerging markets (EM).

UBP in der Presse 13.12.2016

The potential of European small and mid-caps

L'AGEFI - In the search for opportunities in today's market environment it is clear that small and mid-caps are currently offering great value.

UBP in der Presse 06.12.2016

The return of politics

Le Temps - 2016 has brought us a whole series of unpredictable political events, or at least events that were not anticipated by most experts and pollsters.

UBP in der Presse 30.11.2016

Genfer Bank UBP wettet auf Trump

NZZ am Sonntag - Privatbankier Guy de Picciotto empfiehlt Investitionen in den USA und übt Kritik an Europa

UBP in der Presse 29.11.2016

How UBP plans to turn Asian conviction into reality

Hubbis - Following UBP's integration of Coutts' international business, Michel Longhini and Michael Blake share a clear vision for how the Swiss-based firm can take advantage of Asia's potential - when many of its peers are floundering.