1. Newsroom


UBP in der Presse 07.01.2020

Das Ende des Libors

Le Temps (23.12.2019) - Der London Inter Bank Offered Rate, kurz Libor, ist für die Anleger so wichtig wie der Kompass für die Seeleute: ein unverzichtbares Instrument, das die Richtung vorgibt.

UBP in der Presse 06.12.2019

Investors should broaden their horizons beyond the US

Agefi (28.11.2019) - Interview with Norman Villamin, UBP's CIO Wealth Management

UBP in der Presse 15.11.2019

How to identify a global leader

Funds Society (13.11.2019) - Interview with Martin Moeller, Co-Head of Swiss and Global Equity

UBP in der Presse 07.11.2019

Ending the “take, make, waste” culture

Bilan (31.10.2019) - Both governments and consumers have become aware of the need to decarbonise the economy.

UBP in der Presse 04.11.2019

Asset TV Masterclass : Fixed Income

How long will it be before ESG screening becomes mainstream, and what does it really encompass? 

UBP in der Presse 01.11.2019

«Man kann immer noch anständig verdienen»

Finews (31.10.2019) - Die Union Bancaire Privée war nie ausgesprochen schweizerisch, sagt CEO und Mitinhaber Guy de Picciotto. Dennoch hat das Institut hierzulande Erfolg und eine dezidierte Meinung – zu Libra, zu den Negativzinsen, zur internationalen Presse und zur CS-Bespitzelungsaffäre..

UBP in der Presse 21.10.2019

ESG criteria have a greater impact for EM countries

Allnews (16.10.2019) - Interview with Karine Jesiolowski, Head of Responsible Investment – Asset Management at Union Bancaire Privée (UBP).

UBP in der Presse 17.10.2019

A pragmatic approach to the carbon-reduction effort

The Good Investment Review (10.2019) - The very different roles of Emerging and Developed markets

UBP in der Presse 08.10.2019

Cyberschutz als Kriterium bei der Bankwahl?

Le Temps (07.10.2019) - Das Private Banking kann nie ruhen, und seine jüngste Herausforderung ist die Bekämpfung der Cyberkriminalität.

UBP in der Presse 03.10.2019

What investment opportunities do demographic trends offer?

Bilan (02.10.2019) - Climate change, demographic movements, changing consumer behaviour and innovation are transforming our old habits.

UBP in der Presse 01.10.2019

UBP’s Ranjit Khanna speaks to Hubbis

Hubbis (27.09.2019) - Ranjit Khanna is Chief Executive Singapore and Market Head, South Asia, Private Banking at Union Bancaire Privée (UBP), which is enjoying a period of sustained expansion in the region, with assets up more than 50% since 2016.

UBP in der Presse 18.09.2019

Challenges & Opportunities in Impact Investing

Financial Times (12.09.2019) - It is difficult to regard the 2008 financial crisis in anything other than a negative light. However, for one area of investment, it marked a significant acceleration in prospects.

UBP in der Presse 11.09.2019

How the private banking industry has changed

Monaco for Finance (12.09.2019) - A few months ago Sérène El Masri became the Site manager of the Monaco branch of Union Bancaire Privée (UBP), a bank she joined in 2017 in Geneva as head of its private banking activities for Monaco, Luxembourg and the French-speaking regions. This bold banker shared her first impressions of the Monaco market with us.

UBP in der Presse 26.08.2019

UBP fast-tracks its private banking operations in Asia

Hubbis (22.08.2019) - Michael Blake is CEO of the Asian private banking operations of Union Bancaire Privée (UBP) and is presiding over a phase of dramatic growth for the business in Asia, where assets under management have surged more than 50% since 2016.

UBP in der Presse 30.07.2019

Gewinne mitnehmen oder Korrektur riskieren

Le Temps (29.07.2019) - Nach einem fulminanten ersten Halbjahr dürften die nächsten sechs Monate äusserst spannend für die aktiven Manager werden.

UBP in der Presse 28.06.2019

The wealthiest families are the biggest risk-takers

Le Temps (24.06.2019) - Family offices keep multiplying in Switzerland and elsewhere. They are drawing in financial investments from entrepreneurs with a riskier strategy than pension funds, and are also being entrusted with other key tasks.