1. Newsroom


Analysen 07.09.2016

The Effects of the "Indianesia" Tax Reforms

"Indianesia" (India & Indonesia) tax reforms underline emerging Asian markets beyond yield investments.

Analysen 26.08.2016

SZ-HK Connect: Sanguine Over The Pedestrian Market Response

The approval of the Shenzhen–Hong Kong (SZ-HK) Connect by China’s State Council came with little fanfare. A muted market response normally underpins a listless, typically minimal impact event.

Analysen 03.08.2016

Asian Equities: Pokémon, G20 Meetings, and Augmented Reality

Popularity is generally difficult to predict, let alone understand. In 2015, no one would have foreseen how popular chasing the pocket monsters of Pokemon across major cities would become.

Analysen 02.08.2016

Über UBP - Q3 2016

Engagement, Überzeugung, Flexibilität und Verantwortungsbewusstsein haben in unseren Kundenbeziehungen oberste Priorität. Diese Werte sind in der Entwicklung und Abstimmung von erfolgreichen Anlagestrategien und leistungsstarken  Investmentlösungen ausschlaggebend.

Analysen 29.07.2016

Brexit: UBP ruling out a global recession

Experts from Union Bancaire Privée (UBP) – chief economist Patrice Gautry, co-heads of European equities Rob Jones and Scott Meech, and head of fixed income Christel Rendu de Lint – set out their views on the economic environment, equity markets and bond markets after the Brexit vote in the UK.
Analysen 15.07.2016

The Brexit Lessons For ASEAN (Asia’s EU)

Since its incorporation in 1967, the Association of Southeast Asian Nation (ASEAN) has implemented a mandate that not only aims to accelerate economic and social progress alongside member countries, but simultaneously promote peace and security. Coupled with a similar population size and tenet that overlaps the European Union (EU), ASEAN was naturally subjected to comparisons with its western counterpart.

Analysen 27.06.2016

Brexit’s Implication For Asian Equities

The Brexit decision came as a surprise as the sterling appreciated and European equities rose prior to the referendum, leading to a precipitous selloff following the ‘out’ vote. Near term uncertainty, particularly the legality for the United Kingdom to formally depart from the European Union and any subsequent countries that could also vote for its own referendum, leads to market anxiety.

Analysen 24.06.2016

Impact of the Brexit

The results of the referendum in the UK will have consequences for the British, European and global economies. Read this article to find out about the Bank’s main expectations regarding the macroeconomic and asset allocation impact of Brexit.

Analysen 24.05.2016

Summer Time Across Emerging Asia Markets

Mixed cocktails are seasonally appropriate for the summer months, however mixed signals in equity markets are less welcomed.

Analysen 02.05.2016

Asian Economies and the Rhetoric of Protectionism

The rhetoric of protectionism panders to an unhappy voter as evidenced by the political season on both sides of the Atlantic. US presidential candidates are targeting trade agreements and arguing that they are hurting the country’s interests while the United Kingdom prepares to vote on whether or not to stay in the European Union.

Analysen 28.04.2016

UBP in a new partnership with Portland Hill Capital LLP

UBP has partnered up with Portland Hill, an independent asset manager focused on fundamental catalyst-driven investing across liquid asset classes.

Analysen 25.04.2016

Annual & Financial Reports 2015

We are pleased to announce that UBP’s Annual & Financial Reports are now available in three languages (English, French and German).

Analysen 21.04.2016

Oil volatility driving global markets

Oil volatility headlined global markets. Brent prices collapsed on Monday after key producers failed to reach an agreement on an output freeze during a weekend meeting held in Doha.

Analysen 05.04.2016

Is the Helicopter Money the Solution?

From the point of view of our Chief Economist Patrice Gautry, this measure is highly debatable because he is not sure this extra money will be spent and not sure that it will boost inflation from its current low levels. Learn more with our short video.