Karriere und Ausbildung Vacancies
Offene Stelle :
Communication Officer - intern 3 months
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Domain :

Communication Officer - intern 3 months


Union Bancaire Privée (UBP) was founded in 1969 by Edgar de Picciotto, whose vision from the outset was to offer investors an astute and innovative wealth management service. With a professional, global workforce of around 2,000 people, UBP is a major player in Switzerland’s wealth-management industry. Headquartered in Geneva, the Bank has over twenty locations in key economic and financial hubs worldwide, enabling it to combine global expertise with local know-how.


Reporting to the Head of Internal Communication & Events,  we are seeking a Junior Internal Communications & Events officer to join our UBP’s Communication team.


This person will be responsible for assisting in the planning, coordination, and execution of a variety of events, including seminars, workshops, client receptions, and networking events.

Main responsibilities

The successful candidate will be an integral part of our team and will have the opportunity to work with a wide range of clients and stakeholders. This person will also assist in all the tasks related to Internal Communications (Intranet, News and KPI’s).

Assist in the planning and execution of a variety of events, including seminars, workshops, client receptions, and networking events.

Coordinate with internal and external stakeholders to ensure successful event execution.

Work closely with the events team to develop event’s marketing strategies.

Manage event’s budget, including tracking expenses and negotiating contracts with vendors.

Develop event timelines and ensure that all deadlines are met.

Conduct post-event evaluations to analyze the success of the event and identify areas for improvement.

Assist in all the Internal Communications tasks as newsletters, news publishing and KPI’s


  • Education: Bachelor Degree
  • Certification: • Bachelor's degree in hospitality, communication, marketing, or a related field.


  • Years of experience: 0-3 : beginner
  • Experience required: 1-2 years of experience in event planning or related field. Strong project management and organizational skills.
  • Experience in private banking: Preferred


  • English: Fluent
  • French: Fluent

Personal skills

  • Swiss resident: Optional

Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously. Creative problem-solving skills. Proficiency in Microsoft Office and event management software Proficiency in speaking and written French and English

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Das System für Online-Bewerbungen (nachfolgend das «Online-Bewerbungsportal» oder «Portal») der Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA, (nachfolgend «die UBP») wird von unserem Hauptsitz in Genf aus gemäss schweizerischem Recht, namentlich den Datenschutz betreffend, sowie auf der Grundlage nachfolgender Grundsätze betrieben. Es ermöglicht allen Personen (nachfolgend «die Kandidaten/innen»), Bewerbungen zu den im Online-Bewerbungsportal ausgeschriebenen offenen Stellen sowie Spontanbewerbungen einzureichen. Davon ausgenommen sind Personalvermittlungsunternehmen und Headhunters.

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