Karriere und Ausbildung Vacancies
Offene Stelle :
Assistant Relationship Manager LATAM
Zweigstelle :
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Domain :

Assistant Relationship Manager LATAM


Assist the relationship manager(s) in opening new relationships and serving clients, in compliance with the Bank’s internal regulations and guidelines.



Main responsibilities

Relations with private clients and marketing (in strict compliance with the regulatory framework, the Bank’s Cross-Border rules and the Bank’s internal directives):

  • Cultivates relationships with clients (both managed and advisory) to ensure a high level of client satisfaction
  • Responds to clients’/prospects’ needs with the support of the team’s relationship managers or experts
  • Helps clients regularise their tax situation with the support of the Wealth Planning teams
  • Ensures that the contractual documents signed by the clients and the supporting paperwork are up-to-date and comply with the Bank’s internal directives, taking into account the client’s profile and types of transactions

Administrative tasks, transaction executions, discretionary management mandates, advisory mandates and client queries: 

  • Ensures clients’ transactions/instructions/requests (stock market orders, transfers, tax report requests, product information, etc.) are executed/addressed correctly and swiftly
  • Ensures best possible execution for clients stock exchange orders in terms of price, time and quantity in strict compliance with the Bank’s Investment Suitability rules
  • Ensures that the necessary checks have been carried out before initiating or authorising fund outflows (transfers, securities settlements, cash for collection)
  • Provides administrative support to the relationship manager(s) with opening and closing accounts, preparing visits and trips, filing client data and documents, checking that clients’ investments are consistent with their risk profiles;
  • Records all transactions and client contact in the Bank’s data systems (transaction reports,contact reports, CMS declarations, etc.), as required by internal directives.
  • Carries out first-level checks as per internal directives, where applicable
  • Escalates to Line Management, Head of PB, Compliance, where applicable, of transactions or situations putting the Bank at risk

Knows and applies internal directives, in particular with regard to:

  • Entering into business relations with clients, contacts/relations with clients (existing or prospective), and related documentation
  • Knows and applies banking laws and regulations (SBA directives, FINMA circulars, Money-Laundering Act, Code of Obligations, Federal Law on Banks, Collective Investment Schemes Act, etc.)
  • Knows and applies specific rules (regarding products, taxes) in force in clients’ core markets, based on the reference documents made available by the Bank or, where required, on the


  • Education: Bachelor Degree


  • Years of experience: 3-7 : intermediate
  • Experience in private banking: Mandatory


  • English: Fluent
  • Spanish: Fluent (Portuguese : An asset)

Personal skills

  • Swiss resident: Mandatory

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