Karriere und Ausbildung Vacancies
Offene Stelle :
CASH Services - Junior Cash Transfers specialist
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CASH Services - Junior Cash Transfers specialist


COO Division The Bank’s entire operations are managed by COO Division and are headed up by the Chief Operating Officer. It strives to provide both in-house and external clients with a first-rate service to ensure our business operates efficiently and at the best possible cost. The COO division comprises Operations, Finance, Information Management, Human Resources and Logistics. COO employees are committed to providing, with professionalism and enthusiasm, an efficient, proactive, high-quality service that meets the needs of clients within the context of the Bank’s overall strategy.


Process & monitoring of all IN/OUT activities linked to the execution of transfers and receipt of funds for clients. Checks Issuing and collection.


Seek opportunities to improve quality in all features of the work environment. Maintain quality standards despite schedule pressures.

Main responsibilities

  • Daily reconciliations
  • Validation of incoming and outgoing funds
  • Management of OFAC hit and Compliance control
  • Internal support to the bank clients (RM,  UBP Branches, Legal & Compliance, Credits, Legal, Treasury and trading, CCC, etc..)
  • Excellent knowledge of SIC and SEPA payment
  • Able to process both MT and MX Iso 20022 messages


  • Education: CFC


  • Years of experience: 3-7 : intermediate
  • Experience in private banking: Mandatory


  • English: Fluent
  • French: Fluent

Personal skills

  • Swiss resident: Mandatory

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Leitwerte und Unternehmenskultur

Das Engagement der Mitarbeitenden der UBP steht für eine einmalige Unternehmenskultur. Die Leitwerte ihres Gründers und seiner Familie prägen die Bank.

Corporate 03.11.2023

Third UBP Next Gen Academy a success

The UBP Next Generation Academy – which recently took place again, four years after the previous edition, partly in Paris and partly in Geneva – brought together an eclectic and multicultural group of young people with a lot to share and a keen interest in learning from the course and from each other.


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