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A UBP na imprensa 26.09.2022

The Rise of Fiscal Dominance

Hong Kong Economic Journal (09.2022) - The global economy is now increasingly dominated by fiscal policy, creating a hugely different investment landscape.

A UBP na imprensa 22.09.2022

Rate rise expectations are hammering gold

Finanz und Wirtschaft (17.09.2022) - In August, gold prices started off with a rise, following the publication of lower US inflation data than expected.

A UBP na imprensa 14.09.2022

UBP sees opportunities in Singapore's growing family office landscape

Citywire Asia (12.09.2022) - Singapore’s growth as a family office hub is an opportunity for Union Bancaire Privée (UBP), which has been historically associated with them in Europe.

A UBP na imprensa 01.09.2022

Defining and then Refining the Right Business Model for Success

Hubbis (01.09.2022) - Wealth management in Asia is constantly evolving, and the world today is very different from the environment faced as little as a year ago.

A UBP na imprensa 05.08.2022

Switzerland: a haven of resilience amid the turbulence of change

Le Temps (08.2022) - Will the first half of 2022 be remembered as the turning point? It certainly looks that way, judging by the shift in the prevailing mood since last winter.

A UBP na imprensa 19.07.2022

Chinese onshore convertible bonds: the hidden gem?

Financial Investigator (06.2022) - The Chinese domestic convertible bond market has increased exponentially to become the second largest globally. This happened almost unnoticed. This development deserves a closer look.

A UBP na imprensa 28.06.2022

Backing Asia's sustainable agenda

Citywire (22.06.2022) - Michael Blake, Asia CEO of Union Bancaire Privée, was asked how UBP is supporting the region’s increasing push for sustainable investment and how this trend is feeding into his own approach to family life.

A UBP na imprensa 23.06.2022

Alternatives are back with diversification opportunities

Agefi Luxembourg (06.2022) - Against a backdrop of rising interest rates causing financial assets to be repriced downwards, investors may be interested in alternative strategies that show limited correlation with market indices.

A UBP na imprensa 17.06.2022

Value creation: a key driver in equity selection

The Market (16.06.2022) - Even in the current difficult stock market environment, Eleanor Taylor Jolidon, Co-Head of Swiss and Global Equity at UBP, prefers growth stocks to value stocks.

A UBP na imprensa 03.06.2022

«Hedging is Back»

Finews (03.06.2022) - Co-Head of Asset Management at Geneva-based private bank Union Banque Privée Nicolas Faller, describes what is going on in markets as a normalization process. Nonetheless, he has observed some changes among clients.

A UBP na imprensa 27.05.2022

Market volatility and a shift to risk

Allnews (23.05) – The ability to keep generating cash flow above cost of capital even during rough patches is a sign of stability in a company, says UBP’s Martin Moeller.

A UBP na imprensa 24.05.2022

“I am not holding my breath for a soft landing”

Finews (19.05.2022) - Financial markets are not about to return to the normality of past years, says Norman Villamin, CIO Wealth Management, to finews.ch.

A UBP na imprensa 23.05.2022

Biodiversity: the new driving force behind responsible investing

Le Temps (23.05.2022) - The finance industry is fully on board with the fight for a more sustainable planet, as shown by the spectacular growth in assets under management in the responsible investing segment.

A UBP na imprensa 10.05.2022

Forex: USD leads the board

The global economy has been facing a lot of headwinds since the beginning of the year. UBP’s Global Head of Forex Strategy, Peter Kinsella, explains what this means for some of the major currencies.

A UBP na imprensa 04.05.2022

“Targeting companies that solve problems”

Paperjam (27.04.2022) - Union Bancaire Privée is expanding its impact investment offering with the launch of a third strategy dedicated to restoring biodiversity. This strategy complements an offering focused on listed companies that was launched in 2018, and the one devoted to emerging countries launched in 2020. These strategies have raised USD 1.4 billion in assets under management. 

A UBP na imprensa 26.04.2022

“The main aim is to avoid any accidents related to rising interest rates”

Le Temps (20.04.2022) - The war in Ukraine has created a highly unusual environment for investors, writes Michaël Lok, Group Chief Investment Officer at UBP.