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UBP in the press 15.11.2021

From Carbon Neutral to Nature Positive

Investment Week (10.11.2021) - As sustainable investing has gathered momentum over the last decade, much of the focus of the underlying investments has been on climate stability and, more specifically, carbon intensity. 

UBP in the press 25.10.2021

Private debt and affordable housing: a match?

Financial Investigator (01.10.2021) - Private debt can boost the supply of social and affordable housing, for the benefit of investors and low-income residents alike. We see potential for a long-running investment theme. 

UBP in the press 21.10.2021

Why go for frontier markets?

Wealth Magazine (22.10.2021) - Frontier markets offer an attractive investment opportunity, as a separate investment from global EMD, for several reasons. The most obvious is that returns have outpaced broader sovereign EMD through all relevant periods. 

UBP in the press 20.10.2021

Sustainable finance for all

Allnews (15.10.2021) - There’s a lot of talk about sustainable finance. But outside a fairly narrow group of specialists, who really understands the realities surrounding its concepts and what the attendant new jargon actually means?

UBP in the press 04.10.2021

Private markets: an ideal alternative

Le Temps (04.10.2021) - Conditions for private markets, which started to take off in the 1990s, are now better than they have ever been. A large proportion of the alternative investment universe – all non-traditional asset classes – is covered by private markets.

UBP in the press 07.09.2021

Positive on corporate debt

Institutional Money (03.09.2021) - This year, we have held – and continue to hold – a positive bias on credit markets. This has been driven by our macro scenario of a robust and sustained global growth recovery as economies normalise following the vaccine rollout, coupled with the significant policy support coming from both monetary and fiscal authorities which should allow global growth to exceed its pre-Covid trend.

UBP in the press 30.08.2021

“Key rates could rise gradually from the second half of 2022”

Article l’Agefi (27.08.2021) - Macroeconomic developments and how central banks are handling them remain the focus for institutional investors. UBP's head of global fixed income Philippe Gräub shares his analysis.

UBP in the press 23.08.2021

The IPCC report – ‘code red’ for humanity

Environmental Finance (12.08.2021) - The latest IPCC report should shock the world into climate action – and for investors that means prioritising positive impact, writes Rupert Welchman.

UBP in the press 28.07.2021

Investing for profitable positive impact

Money Week (31.05.2021) - How we live our lives and how we choose to invest our savings have typically been worlds apart. Happily, it has recently become possible to bring these two elements much closer together. There’s a growing number of listed companies that are working hard to understand their place in the world beyond simple profit.

UBP in the press 26.07.2021

Libor is dead, long live Saron!

Le Temps (26.07.2021) - The final countdown is underway. In less than six months, on 1 January 2022, the world of finance will enter the post-Libor era.

UBP in the press 21.07.2021

Japan’s corporate landscape enhanced by governance reform

Agefi Actifs (23.07.2021) - Significant improvements in corporate governance in Japan – as shown in particular by increasing female representation in companies' governing bodies – could drive stronger momentum in the Japanese market over the long term.

UBP in the press 16.07.2021

Fed rate hikes ahead: our exposure confirmed

Institutional Money (16.07.2021) - Recent moves by the Fed confirm our fixed-income views of being defensive on interest rate exposure and constructive on credit exposure.

UBP in the press 12.07.2021

Assessing the impact intensity of companies

Allnews (12.07.2021) - Union Bancaire Privée is taking a unique approach to impact investing. Interview with Simon Pickard and Mathieu Nègre.

UBP in the press 05.07.2021

The evolution of Impact Investing in listed markets – and what happens next ?

A lot has changed in the last few years. Impact investing in listed equity is relatively new and, in recent years, there has been much debate about whether impact can even be achieved in secondary markets.

UBP in the press 17.06.2021

Asset TV Fund Selector: Environmental Impact

Environmental impact investing in equities has moved from a niche strategy to the mainstream in recent years. But what exactly are environmental equities, their current valuations and the opportunities available in this sector?

UBP in the press 14.06.2021

Europe to lead the next leg of the global growth recovery

Institutional Money (04.06.2021) - Having trailed other regions in the recovery post-Covid, we now expect Europe to outperform as a number of key factors pivot in the continent’s favour. This bodes well for European credit and in particular higher-income segments, such as high yield and AT1s.