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Insight 10.07.2017

Second Half Outlook for Asian Markets

A better than expected pickup in global trade dynamics and elevated confidence levels lifted world markets higher over the first half of 2017.

UBP in the press 06.07.2017

European bond markets: improved visibility but modest outlook

L'Agefi - Reduced political risk in Europe and the US Federal Reserve's relative openness about its intentions have clarified the outlook for the bond markets.

Insight 28.06.2017

Protecting against ‘Protectionism’

The rising risk of global trade, capital and labour protectionism is an important investment topic.

UBP in the press 27.06.2017

Small- and mid-caps: still attractive investments

L'Agefi - Small- and mid-cap stocks are being buoyed by solid fundamentals and the improving economic environment, and remain attractive as components of a long-term investment strategy.

UBP in the press 26.06.2017

Lessons to be learned from Belgium's tax on stock exchange transactions

Le Temps  - Belgium has recently extended the scope of its tax on stock exchange transactions (known as the "TOB") to foreign transactions. This represents a new challenge for the Swiss finance industry, and an opportunity for Swiss banks to take a fresh look at how they need to adjust the service they provide to foreign clients.

UBP in the press 21.06.2017

Setting a new benchmark

Banker Middle East - Michaël Lok, Co-CEO Asset Management at Union Bancaire Privée comprehensively discusses the bank’s investment strategies in manoeuvring through challenging times.

Insight 16.06.2017

Asian stocks extend gains as expected correction fails to materialise

Asian Stocks Extend Gains as Geopolitical Concerns Do Not Lead to “Sell in May” Correction.

Insight 16.06.2017

Asian stocks extend gains as expected correction fails to materialise

Asian Stocks Extend Gains as Geopolitical Concerns Do Not Lead to “Sell in May” Correction.

UBP in the press 14.06.2017

Which European strategy should Swiss banks adopt?

Le Temps - For a bank to achieve penetration in a market other than its domestic market, it needs to develop financial products and services that suit specific local features.

Insight 12.06.2017

UK elections - Political challenges continue

The disappointing outcome for UK Prime Minister Theresa May’s Conservative Party suggests a fragile political backdrop as the British government enters negotiations about its exit from the European Union.

UBP in the press 29.05.2017

Sharp increase in funding from Asia clients

In an interview with APB Mandates, Brice Thionnet said that UBP's Asian clients have participated in every direct investments deal brought by the Swiss pure play since the completion of its acquisition of Coutts International.

Insight 26.05.2017

The time is right for convertible bonds

The beginning of a trend

Insight 24.05.2017

Active in small caps

Opportunities through selected regional exposure

Insight 17.05.2017

Liquid Alternatives to complement a Fixed Income Allocation

The end of 2016 represented a period of transition for global markets and it seems that we are currently in a new paradigm, particularly in the U.S.
Insight 15.05.2017

Asian stocks extend gains as populist rhetoric grows less fashionable

Global equities hit a historic high in April on the back of strong US technology earnings, resilient Chinese economic data and evidence of a cyclical recovery in the Euro area.
Insight 10.05.2017

Country risk allocation: a vital component in investment strategies

Country risk allocation in emerging markets investment strategies is a vital component, yet still largely underrepresented.