1. Newsroom


Press Releases 05.06.2018

New strategy on UBP's alternative UCITS platform

UBP SA is launching a new equity arbitrage strategy on its alternative UCITS platform in partnership with London-based alternative investment manager Cheyne Capital Management (UK) LLP (“Cheyne Capital”). This is the fourth addition to UBP’s alternative UCITS platform, which now has close to CHF 700 million in assets under management.

Insight 01.06.2018

Navigating choppy waters

After strong growth in Q4, activity was relatively weak in Q1, particularly in developed economies. Where is the global economy going in the next quarters?

Press Releases 31.05.2018

UBP to acquire Banque Carnegie Luxembourg

Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA (UBP) and Carnegie Investment Bank AB (publ) have announced today that they have entered into an agreement whereby Union Bancaire Privée (Europe) S.A. will acquire Banque Carnegie Luxembourg S.A. (BCL). The transaction is subject to the approval of the relevant regulatory bodies, and is expected to complete during the fourth quarter of 2018.

Insight 30.05.2018

Q&A on Italy and the Eurozone

Elections in Italy, and also probably in Spain, could refuel political risks in the eurozone, as these elections have the potential to turn into an implicit referendum on the eurozone.

Insight 29.05.2018

SMIDs continue to offer good investment opportunities

Small and mid caps (SMIDs) have been outperforming large caps since the beginning of the year and many factors are in place for this solid trend to continue.

UBP in the press 28.05.2018

Unconstrained active bond managers prove their worth

Agefi Indices (May 2018) - The upturn in market volatility in early 2018, along with the gradual return to normal in inflation and interest rates, is working in favour of active bond managers.

Corporate 24.05.2018

Community engagement: UBP teams up with Alaya

UBP is pleased to announce that it is teaming up with Alaya, with the aim of promoting greater staff community engagement. To learn more about this initiative, watch the interview with the co-founders of Alaya.

Insight 09.05.2018

Green shoots of change seen in Japan

Understanding Japan’s dynamics sometimes seems like a mathematical problem. Is getting you head around this market just like solving a differential equation? It’s not that simple. Just as for many fields of mathematics, the time you spend on it is important.

Insight 09.05.2018

Navigating the coming ‘mini-cycle’ in the US Economy

Spotlight - Recession concerns appear overblown, though we do expect a ‘mini-cycle’ in the US economy in the months ahead.

Insight 02.05.2018

How emerging markets are dealing with higher US Treasury yields

The recent rise, through 3%, and to the highest level since 2013, has triggered a bit of a sell-off in emerging market assets. We’re thinking that US Treasury yields from here stabilise or they rise only gradually, and this’ll allow emerging market asset prices to go up again.

UBP in the press 01.05.2018

Meritocracy and European regulation

Le Temps (30.04.2018) - Is the Swiss tradition of meritocracy being challenged by European regulation?

Insight 27.04.2018

Is global growth peaking?

Confidence has returned to the markets and the beginning of the earnings season looks great, with several positive surprises. The IMF has presented its outlooks for 2018 and 2019 and they seem very upbeat: world growth is expected to come in at 3.9%.

UBP in the press 26.04.2018

Emerging markets: watch out for the best practices

Bilan (March 2018) - Is it so unrealistic to want to include emerging market corporate issuers when considering sustainable and responsible investment strategies?

Insight 25.04.2018

Spotlight - Energy sector: outperformance lies ahead

Having ended 2017 as one of the worst performing global sectors, sustained outperformance lies ahead for energy stocks in 2018. The underlying crude oil market is now undersupplied while inventory levels have fallen sharply. These supply-demand and inventory dynamics have historically translated into improving corporate profitability over the coming 12-24 months.

UBP in the press 17.04.2018

Surge in Earnings in 2017

Le Temps (16.04.2018) - Why did Geneva’s private banks see such a large increase in earnings and assets under management last year? We spoke to UBP boss Guy de Picciotto about the trends that shaped 2017 and that will influence the future.

Insight 17.04.2018

Value creation through responsible investment

UBP continues on its way to enhanced ESG investment standards