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UBP in the press 26.02.2021

Charting a course for growth through difficult waters

Hubbis (18.02.2021) - Hubbis caught up with Ranjit Khanna, UBP’s Head of South Asia and Singapore Branch Chief Executive Wealth Management, recently to hear how well UBP in South Asia has weathered the storms of 2020, and how the bank continues to expand its discretionary, advisory and IAM/ family office propositions.

Insight 25.02.2021

UBP’s small- and mid-cap capabilities

SMID-cap equities are poised to mean revert and outperform over the next three to five years. The best time to allocate to SMID caps is when earnings are “depressed”, i.e. now.

Insight 24.02.2021

The return of leisure & entertainment

The pandemic has not only caused economic chaos around the world, but it has also had a deep impact on people’s lifestyles.

Corporate 22.02.2021

UBP Monaco looks at the future through the lens of art

After the success of its first art exhibition in collaboration with art agent MTArt, UBP Monaco has made a new selection of works by another set of talents supported by the agency for its second exhibition themed ‘A Brave New World’. 

Insight 19.02.2021

Global Recovery: Vaccine- & Stimulus-led

A clear light at the end of the coronavirus tunnel is now visible with the start of vaccination campaigns.

UBP in the press 18.02.2021

Why renewable energy has come of age in 2020

Environmental Finance (05.02.2021) - What changed to make renewable energy such an investment success story in 2020, UBP’s Mathieu Negre asks

Press Releases 17.02.2021

UBP broadens its convertible bond offering

Union Bancaire Privée adds two new innovative thematic solutions to its convertible bond offering


Insight 10.02.2021

Big Tech: assessing the threats on the horizon

Apple, Amazon, Facebook and Alphabet/Google (‘Big Tech’) make up nearly 20% of the entire US market capitalisation by now. As a result, clouds may gather on the horizon for Big Tech in the shape of anti-trust prosecutions, increased regulation, and the prospect of adverse tax policies.

Insight 09.02.2021

Engineering Software: playing the economy reopening

2020 was a stellar year for the software sector despite the pandemic. Companies accelerated their digital transformation to allow their employees to work from home. 

UBP in the press 03.02.2021

Compelling opportunities in Japanese small-cap techs

Funds Society (28.01.2021) - An improvement in corporate governance, a stable government and a leading edge in digitalisation and robotics are making the Japanese small-cap segment a rich source of attractive opportunities for selective investors, says UBP Senior Analyst Cédric Le Berre.

Insight 02.02.2021

Healthcare IT: A shift with no turning back

Although technology in the healthcare industry is still in its infancy, its future will be one of improved health outcomes, increased efficiency, more precise clinical interventions and, ultimately, reduced healthcare expenditure for governments and patients alike.

Insight 01.02.2021

What will the year of the Ox hold for China?

The economy is set to rebound in 2021, leading the global economic recovery once again. 

UBP in the press 29.01.2021

Fixed income outlook: Positive environment for credit

Institutional Money (27.01.2021) - Despite an accelerating Covid-19 spread into year-end, risk markets concluded 2020 on a strong note as investors took confidence from the commencement of the vaccine rollout in the US and UK. 

Insight 27.01.2021

From Paris to Glasgow: the return of the US to the climate fight

President Joe Biden has taken the US back into the Paris Agreement framework. While time has been lost, CO2 emissions are down over the last five years and the new US administration will push climate action up the agenda and build upon policies already enacted by corporates and at state and local levels. 

Insight 21.01.2021

Vaccines: Israel and the UAE show the way forward

With vaccines to combat the global pandemic being rolled out beginning in late-December, Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have led the world in vaccinating their populations, having reached > 20% coverage by mid-January.

Press Releases 21.01.2021

Annual results 2020

Union Bancaire Privée announces net inflows of nearly CHF 9 billion and an increase in assets under management to CHF 147.4 billion (+5.1%)