1. Newsroom


Insight 13.04.2022

The meaning of positive nutrition

In this report, we explore the meaning of positive nutrition, how achievable global nutritional goals are and, ultimately, how we invest in nutrition that is positive for people and planet.

Insight 13.04.2022

Demonstrating how nature-related risks can impact investors

UBP joined forces with Deutsche Bank to address how the transition to a sustainable and resilient food system affects fertiliser company valuations in a contribution to the CISL’s latest report.

Insight 06.04.2022

Impact strategy: rising to the biodiversity challenge

UBP partnered with L'Agefi’s biodiversity conference at the Jardin des Plantes in Paris on 31 March.

Insight 05.04.2022

Major headwinds for the growth cycle

The global economy remains resilient despite negative momentum in Q1 & Q2. UBP’s economists Patrice Gautry and Carlos Casanova take a tour of the macro scenario around the world.

Insight 04.04.2022

Investing in private markets – History and Rationale

We expect private market assets to offer a credible alternative which can serve to not only diversify but as importantly augment portfolio returns.

Insight 01.04.2022

Equities: selectivity is a must

Equities remain an asset class of choice, but selectivity is more important than ever in a tough economic climate. UBP’s experts share their thoughts on key themes.

Insight 15.03.2022

Asia: Rising energy prices will hasten policy tightening in the region

Even though Asian economies have not endorsed sanctions, the Russia–Ukraine conflict will still have major impacts on the macroeconomic backdrop in the region.

Insight 09.03.2022

Investing in private markets: Why and how

Historically low interest rates and high stock market valuations have triggered unprecedented investment flows into private markets.

Insight 07.03.2022

Ghosts of the 1970s

Nearly 50 years ago, a long simmering conflict reignited with the Fourth Arab-Israeli War culminating in a global energy shock and kicking off the 1970s stagflationary era.

Insight 03.03.2022

UBP and Blue Earth Capital seal strategic partnership and hold a successful first closing for Climate Growth Strategy

BlueEarth’s Climate Growth Strategy aims to support growth companies which address global environmental challenges in areas such as energy transition, electrification, industrial process optimisation and the circular economy.

Insight 02.03.2022

Russia-Ukraine conflict: challenges and implications for investors

Norman Villamin, Chief Investment Officer (CIO) Wealth Management, and Patrice Gautry, UBP Chief Economist, hosted a special webinar to discuss the investment implications of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

Insight 25.02.2022

Russia–Ukraine tensions and rising commodity prices

In the wake of rising geopolitical tensions surrounding the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, UBP’s Senior Economist Asia, Carlos Casanova, shares his thoughts about the impact on Asian and global financial markets.

Insight 23.02.2022

Asian tech: coming of age

For much of the past decade, Asia technology investors were enthralled with China’s consumer-facing tech companies due to their strong and visible growth.

Insight 16.02.2022

China: Additional policy support to spur activity after Winter Olympics

The macroeconomic backdrop will remain challenging in Q1-22. However, we will likely see an inflexion point following the much-anticipated policy pivot. GDP growth to accelerate from 3.0% y/y in Q1-22 to 5.0% on average in 2022.

Insight 14.02.2022

Time to look at floating-rate notes

In this interview Mohammed Kazmi sets out to Bernard McGrath his case for investing in floating-rate notes as a way to reduce portfolio exposure to interest rates and gain from widely expected Fed rate hikes in the months ahead.

Insight 14.02.2022

Energy transition: a complex but compelling challenge

The energy transition will require major investment and concerted political will to deliver on net-zero targets.