1. Newsroom


Insight 15.04.2020

The Case For Frontier Debt

Fixed-income frontier markets have seen significant growth in both importance and liquidity over the past decade. While still mainly thought of as part of global EM investments, frontier markets have “grown up” and deserve to be considered separately.

Insight 02.04.2020

COVID-19: The tug of war begins

Spotlight - With the COVID-19 virus having run unimpeded through Europe and the United States in recent weeks, looking ahead, the impact of the virus will now face not only more aggressive containment efforts but also growing measures to offset its effect on the broader economy.

Insight 31.03.2020

India Risk and Policy Response

India’s total infected cases (979) and fatality rate (25) remain low but it has been escalating. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), this can become overwhelming, if uncontrolled.

Insight 26.03.2020

Gold: Explosive appreciation potential

Our Global Head of Forex Strategy Peter Kinsella discusses the evolution of our gold outlook over the last few months and provides an update on the current climate surrounding COVID-19.

Insight 20.03.2020

"Whatever it takes": fiscal edition

Spotlight - With the US and broader European economies entering the ‘acceleration’ phase of their respective COVID-19 infection cycles, fiscal policymakers across Europe and the United States have begun outlining plans to bear down on this growing shock to demand and confidence.

Insight 19.03.2020

Update on China’s Economy and Fed’s Backstop

Has China turned the economic corner or will Europe and the US keep dragging it down?

Insight 18.03.2020

COVID-19 and the US dollar

Our Global Head of Forex Strategy Peter Kinsella discusses the impact of COVID-19 on the US dollar and on the wider currency universe.

Insight 12.03.2020

Oil prices: implications for FX markets

Our EM macro and FX Strategist Koon Chow and our Global Head of Forex Strategy Peter Kinsella discuss the steep decline in the oil price and its significant implications for FX markets.

Insight 11.03.2020

Frontier debt: a compelling investment opportunity

We believe frontier markets offer a compelling long-term investment opportunity: the combination of faster average growth rates, mostly manageable debt loads, and higher yields is what makes them attractive.

Insight 05.03.2020

A Covid-19 framework for markets

Spotlight - The 2002-2003 SARS outbreak framework that most, including ourselves, were drawing upon to anticipate the trajectory of the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak requires an adjustment following the failure of authorities to contain the contagion to the Asian continent.

Insight 27.02.2020

The viral demand shock goes global

Spotlight - With the failure of authorities to contain the coronavirus contagion to within China or even Asia, the prospect of a more sustained demand shock for global economies has emerged. This poses the potential for elevated risks for investors looking ahead.

Insight 21.02.2020

Is a COVID-19 containment-induced recovery realistic?

With uncertainty still lingering around the COVID-19 outbreak, we recommend a defensive strategy at current valuations and consider a severe economic decline but a well-priced V-shaped rebound in the markets.

Insight 19.02.2020

Changes in consumption patterns

Despite being fast-moving and quite unpredictable, changes in consumption patterns are expected to reshape the economic landscape.

Insight 17.02.2020

EM currencies in the wake of the coronavirus

Since the beginning of the year, most emerging market currencies have registered losses against the USD.

Insight 24.01.2020

Gaming - Game on!

Now more than ever, video gaming is at the heart of the entertainment industry.

Insight 17.01.2020

5G – on the cusp of a new cycle

After several years of investments, regulatory implementation and competitive bidding, 5G deployment is finally accelerating.